We talk through your vision, purpose and goals for creating a podcast, so we can craft a show that reaches the right outcomes from your target audience.
Sit back & relax, while I Hear Everything leverages 5 years of learnings to setup your podcast feed, hosting account, guest email templates, interview scripts, etc.
You tell us who you'd like to meet and we'll handle the guest communication & interview scheduling.
Within a month you'll be trained up and ready to record interviews with your ideal guests. We'll even write the intro/outro scripts for you, so all you have to do is show up for the conversation.
Within two weeks of recording, we'll turn your conversations into polished pieces of podcast, blog, social, & video content.
Now that we've published enough content, we'll turn on our promotional machine to push your podcast to the top of the category charts in Apple Podcasts.
That's right, all you do is show up for the interviews with your ideal guests and we'll generate +10,000 podcast downloads PER MONTH!
Turn your thought leadership into a daily stream of cross-channel content
Build affinity with your ideal prospects, leads, and customers
Leverage your brand's network to turn downloads to dollars
Everything from podcast art to interview coaching, we'll turn you into a content machine
Leverage your network & our connections to source a stream of expert guests
Our done-for-you service means all you do is show up to record interviews
We coordinate with guests so they know how to promote your content
Consistently publish high-quality content that listeners & algorithms love
Leverage your media prowess to syndicate content with your fellow influencers
Put your dollars to work with PPC campaigns that predictably build a following
Provide your guests and listeners the tools they need to share your content
Seemleslly integrate your brand's offers into your audio content
Build authentic relationships that convert interview guests into customers
Drive listerners to your site to track the ROI of your offer as a digital marketing channel
Monetize your network by enabling them to engage your audience